The agency formerly known as WERBEWELT.
27 years, 3 dreamers, more than 700 employees and countless challenging projects for extraordinary customers are the foundation of a new era. Werbewelt has become MDCT. Thank you to everyone who shared this time with us.
Times change, the dreamers go their own way. The former partners and co-founders of the WERBEWELT, Tobias Ulmer and Willibald Slavicek, accompanied us for many years. We owe them a lot. The names of those who have intervened, who have trusted us, fill long lists. They’re not forgotten. We are proud of our roots and carry all former employees and customers in our hearts. Founded in 1995 in Ludwigsburg, opening of the first office in Munich in 2006, relocation to Schloßstraße in Stuttgart in 2009 and relocation to Tübinger Straße in 2018 – the paths of the advertising world were turbulent, full of passion and always “one step ahead”. We shall not be moved on this. Everything is a beginning.