ID Harbor

Embedding Indus­trial Design into the brand-dream.

Indus­trial design integrated into the brand core. Strategies, concepts and imple­men­tation of innovative products and UX solutions.

There comes together what belongs together. After more than 20 years, Christian Rummel has ended his partnership in the design office Pearl Creative and is now slipping under the umbrella of MDCT AG with MDCT ID-Harbor GmbH. Colla­bo­ration, exchange and joint work on strategies and projects are all about new work and integrated thinking. The experi­enced and excellent designer works with his team for renowned customers such as BOSCH-SIEMENS-HAUSGERÄTE, BRITA, KÄRCHER, WMF and many more. The product plays a special role in the market message, because no adver­tising in the world can make a wrong product successful in the long term. Products are commu­ni­cation in the best sense. Under­stand this and implement it in brand work. We’re working on that. Together.

Much is changing and complexity is advancing rapidly. As designers, we can make a contri­bution to meaning and orien­tation… we must remain curious, form an opinion and represent it.
Christian Rummel, Managing Partner MDCT ID Harbor

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