Bunt gekleidete Menschen liegen auf einer Treppe für das Hakro Inspirations Shooting Bunt gekleidete Menschen liegen auf einer Treppe für das Hakro Inspirations Shooting

COLORIZED – An inspi­ra­tional shoot for HAKRO

Working clothes are not generally known for their range of colour and design. Corporate fashions from HAKRO are the distinctive exception, conso­li­dating their position on target markets as the indivi­duality of the HAKRO brand is inspi­ra­tio­nally streng­thened. Achieving this called for a corre­spon­dingly uncon­ven­tional stage.

We found exactly that in the capital. A grey, authen­ti­cally urban slice of Berlin provided the perfect setting for confident presen­tation of the brand off the beaten path of B2B photo shoots and conven­tional models. HAKRO teamwear was the centre­piece, showcased at specific locations with outstanding colour and choreo­graphy by photo­grapher Axl Jansen, who brought all his skill and experience to bear. As Berlin was colorized, the contrasts for HAKRO were perfect.

Creative Direction: Wolfgang Benz
Photo & Video Direction: Axl Jansen
Styling: Julia Quante
Project Organi­sation: Daniela Weber

Colorfully dressed people stand in a row für das Hakro Inspirations Shooting Colourfully dressed people posing für das Hakro Inspirations Shooting
Colourfully dressed people posing für das Hakro Inspirations Shooting
Bunt gekleidete Menschen stehen in einer Reihe auf einer Brücke für das Hakro Inspirations Shooting
Bunt gekleidete Menschen posen in einem Gebäude für das Hakro Inspirations Shooting
Bunt gekleidet Menschen posen in einem Gebäude für das Hakro Inspirations shooting
Bunt gekleidete Menschen stehen in einer Reihe für das Hakro Inspirations Shooting