Pinkes und gelbes Putzmittel von method für eine PR-Kampagne Pinkes und gelbes Putzmittel von method für eine PR-Kampagne

Campaign tour for METHOD

Method offers stylish and sustainable cosmetics for home cleaning. Our task was to bring this message to the mass market and position the brand in the lifestyle segment. 

That meant selling from door to door, convincing editorial teams and influencers to take a clean approach – and we did this with a sparkling kick-off followed by a personal campaign tour of publishers. Our approach was to frame the colourful hand soaps and spray cleansers as lifestyle access­ories with a beauty angle. After all, we should keep our homes as clean as we keep ourselves.

Magazin-Artikel mit der Headline: Cooler Putzen im Silicon Valley für die method PR-Kampagne


  • 15

    publi­shing houses

  • 70 million


Magazin-Artikel welcher verschiedene Putz-Utensilien und Parfum zeigt für die method PR-Kampagne
Magazin Artikel welcher verschiedene Putzmittel zeigt für die method PR-Kampagne
Magazin-Artikel mit der Headline: Wohnen News für die method PR-Kampagne