Digitale Markeninszenierung für den Salone del Mobile. Milano 2022.
After a two-year hiatus, in June 2022 designers from every corners of the earth gather in Milan for the world’s biggest furniture exhibition. One of those in attendance is the design company Rolf Benz, from the Black Forest. The brand presents itself with a fresh, new look. A minimalist palazzo invites visitors to savour stylish living culture. The highlight of the presentation: a rich green lemon tree. Right in the middle. Rolf Benz is dreaming of a charming narrative for the Salone. With a digital focus. As well as on the ground in Milan. And across all phases of the show.
Welcome to the “Palazzo dei limoni”. This is where stylish living culture “Made in Germany” comes together with Italian lightness. A meeting place for inspiring conversation and ideas around living, dining and bedrooms. To create a striking aesthetic, we pick up on the key elements: a palazzo arch as a traditional grid, coupled with the citrus fruit for fresh, zingy symbolism. This provides the simple frame for a wide range of measures such as the campaign visual, show invitation, digital content formats or on-the-spot surprises.

We begin the advance communication with a contrast-rich key visual as a teaser. Our social media format “On the way to Milano” then spans the divide between the head office in Nagold and the Salone – with spectacular stops on the way. And with lemons in our hand luggage.

1,032 kilometres
from Nagold to Milan
600 lemons
used, that end up as juice
3 countries

The exhibition begins: we accompany the Salone at first hand, and transfer the atmosphere to the digital channels. This is followed up with impressions of the “Palazzo dei limoni” along with entertaining content formats such as posts, stories or reels with the Rolf Benz CEO and the designers. To end off, we share further highlights from the areas of living, dining and bedrooms.
Project Management: Julia Meyer
Concept: Dennie Pfau
Art Direction: Isabella Witzany-Wokalek
Social Media: Stefanie Schwärzli
Photo & Video: Sandro Jödicke | whitedesk